Aluminum Bromide chemical suppliers in Tamilnadu, coimbatore, Shree Vissnu Scientific company.




Aluminum Bromide chemical suppliers in Tamilnadu, coimbatore, Shree Vissnu Scientific company. Aluminum Bromide is a highly water soluble crystalline Aluminum source for uses compatible with Bromides and lower (acidic) pH. Most metal bromide compounds are water soluble for uses in water treatment, chemical analysis and in ultra high purity for certain crystal growth applications. Aluminum bromide is an ionic compound that is formed from aluminum and iodine. In this lesson, we investigate its chemical formula and some of its uses in the laboratory. Aluminum bromide formula is AlBr3 Our eyes observe its physical appearance, our ears listen for its sounds, and our noses detect any odor is emits. We also have the sense of touch, but the other senses dominate when we identify something. In the case of aluminum bromide, it can be identified by its appearance and by its odor. If it contains iron impurities, aluminum bromide is a whitish to yellow-red compound, and it can be clumpy. If it is chemically pure, it is more white in color and gives off a distinct, sharp odor. Let's see how we can determine the chemical formula of this compound

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