Density Determination Kit WDK-250 Wensar Suppliers in Coimbatore Shree Vissnu Scientific Company




Density Determination Kit WDK-250 Wensar Suppliers in Coimbatore Shree Vissnu Scientific Company Density Determination Kit WDK-250 Wensar ->For solid density determination ->Suitable for MAB, HPB & PGB Series ->Can use for other weighing balance also STANDARD ACCESSORIES ->Beaker Base ->Beaker ->PAN stand ->Pans suspension ->Thermometer -Upper pan stand According to the Archimedes Principle, Solid Body immersed in a liquid apparently loses as much of its own weight as the weight of the liquid it has displaced. This makes it possible to determine the unknown value. Depending on whether the body in quotient is liquid or solid. The international system of units specifies Kg/m3 as the unit of density. However, the unit g/cm3 is better suited to lab purpose

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